Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Couch

It happens once in a while. I find myself with something important to get done so I have a cup of coffee late in the day in hopes that it will allow my candle to burn at both ends so that I can spend my evening getting it done.  I had that moment today.  We were to skype with some friends from Guatemala (we do every Monday evening… wouldn’t miss it), I was to go on a 5 mile training run for my ½ marathon that is sneaking up way too fast.  And I was suppose to go to a friends house and sort a mailing (a part time job we have done once a month for the past 15+ years… this will be the last month I ever do them.)  All three of these activities were to happen around 9pm tonight. So I drank a cup of coffee… yumm… I do like coffee. I rescheduled the 5 miles for 6:45 in the morning. Around 8:30 as we were getting ready to skype I decided to sort a mailing tomorrow afternoon, because my candle did not light and I was tired.  However it is now 12:18 am and I cannot sleep. Thank you coffee. Four hours too late!! When will I ever learn this lesson.
What does this have to do with the couch?  Normally on a night that I cannot sleep I take a hot bath and snuggle down on the couch with a book.  We have no couch.  We use to have 3-4 options in couch like pieces of furniture that would be good to snuggle down on.  Everything is sold. So I am sitting on the carpet thinking of all the things I could and should do.  I hate to waist sleep so if I can’t get some I try to use the awake time wisely.  Tonight I chose to blog about the couch I don’t have. I am not sure this is a wise use of my time. 
I am going to try to go back to bed!   

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the laugh, Vonda! I am very sensitive to caffeine, and I cannot drink anything with caffeine after lunchtime....unless I plan on being up half the night!
