Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dear Mom and Dad,

Dear Mom and Dad: feeling good!

Today is a great day. Have a list of exciting things to do! As you know the house is under contract… yippee… continuing to pray that the contract has favor with the banks and that it moves quickly. The “quickly” part is for my selfish peace of mind… so I am also in need of patience! This house will tell its story & I look forward to it!

My list:

1. Check on getting our passports renewed!

2. Get my drivers license renewed. It expires this November… good thing I noticed. Apparently that is all I need to drive in Guatemala… along with some serious bravery (looking forward to the traffic)!

3. Find my immunization records!

4. Continue filling out the kids applications for school in Guatemala!!

5. Continue filling out our application for CTEN (a missionary organization that will help us with our support!)

6. Take the kids to get their shots!

The list is exciting because all these things will bring us that much closer…

Have a great day!

Friday, February 3, 2012

After the jump!

God willing we are going to Guatemala! It is still true, we have jumped! I have jumped!!

After the splash I see this vision: I landed in the middle of a vast ocean. I know where I have come from (Colorado). I know where I am going (Guatemala). I am in the middle of a vast ocean in a round raft. I am comfortable, I am not scared, I am not hungry or thirsty although I have no provisions. But I do have a problem... I do not know what direction to go. If I paddle and it is obvious I should it might all be in vain because although I know where I am headed I can not see a shore line anywhere... and if I could see a shoreline, how do I know it is the right one? Any paddling I do could so easily be in vain. So I sit and wait... I think? but that could be wrong too... the sun will get hotter....

I ponder. I have no direction. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO... I DON'T KNOW WHAT I AM DOING... in the vision and in reality... I have so many directions to move that could potentially help me get to where I am going. Do you hear me? I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO... I DON'T KNOW WHAT I AM DOING! I have been pondering this vision for several days. Even as I logically gave myself something to do... I repainted the kids bathroom so it would "show" better... I wondered am I paddling in the wrong direction as I paint? Only to find out that the offer that was put on our home was put on our home by a man who had never seen the house... he did not care how it "showed" or what color the bathroom was.... seriously a waste of paddling / or painting.

I ponder some more... Then I hear this. "JAMES"

God actually interrupted my mom to tell me that... I was in the middle of a conversation explaining my vision and heart that I am struggling with simple direction... where to put my effort and paddle.... and it rang in my ears (((("JAMES"))))... I have no idea what my mom was saying at that point (sorry mom).

I got off the phone and I read the book of James... ouch what a book. Ouch... I will read it again and again and again. But the second time through in my second version this is what I see....

IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING, pray to the father. He loves to help. You'll get His help, and wont be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly , without a second thought. People who "worry their prayers" are like wind whipped waves. Don't think you are going to get anything from the master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all you options open.
James 1:5-8 msg

So what are my options... sit and wait comfortably for the elements that will arrive at some point... or paddle with all my might in hopes of arriving somewhere preferably Guatemala? or as His word so perfectly says "If you don't know what you are doing, pray to the father. HE LOVES to help. YOU'LL GET HIS HELP.... and don't worry!"

So Lord please help me... I will ask, and I will not worry... and I will paddle in what ever direction you lead. Thank you! And for now I will study James!